Title: Task ~ Seaborne Assault: Operation Disgruntled Walrus Post by: Linaeus on January 25, 2009, 03:25:39 am What: Amphibious Raid On The Orc Fort
Objectives: Destroy Supplies, Eliminate Orcish Fighting Capability Led By: Torrak Keres, Attended By: Kas Valentine, Veteran Mercenary Arcanist Thomas Deburg, Mercenary Recruit Dursul, Mercenary Recruit Me'an Silen, Mercenary Recruit Faden Wildheart, Mercenary Recruit - Conduct an early-morning surprise raid on the Orcish garrison. - Capture or destroy any supplies we come across. - Do enough damage to the garrison to cripple the ongoing Orcish war effort. - After this, set fire to the docks and any ships at anchor there to prevent pursuit. Unfortunately, the first assault was an utter failure. The Orcs saw our sails on the horizon and a volley of Orcish spells and arrows shattered out haphazard post-landing formation. Nevertheless we charged into the fort and slew some twenty orcs before being driven back when a Brute ambushed us. Our second assault was also repelled due to poor order-following and a general inability to stay together. The only reason we were not driven from the peninsula at this point was that, as I lay wounded, I ordered Recruits Wildheart and Silen to form up on Kas and work as a team. They were able to defeat the remaining Orcish counterattackers. After this, Recruit Silen had to be withdrawn from the field due to injuries, and Recruit Deburg was brought in to replace him. Noting the lack of discipline and teamwork, I informed the men of the following policy; Any man who moves more than five paces away from the rest of the group will be knocked on the spot for insubordination and endangering the unit as a whole. I also informed them that I'd personally knock them and leave them for the Orcs. Performance skyrocketed after this, with the unit becoming alike to a gigantic boulder - remaining intact as it barreled through the Orcish ranks. We slew at least four Brutes, pushed our way through to the front entrance of the Fort, then withdrew to the ship to divide up the spoils. I informed the men that they would only be receiving 500 Shillings apiece from the nearly 15,000 total, due to the lack of discipline displayed, and that the only reason they were being paid at all was that we had finally gotten our act together and emerged victorious. (http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c190/Warbringer/OperationDisgruntledWalrus.jpg) We then burnt the docks and sailed back to Cove. We were confronted by the man we'd borrowed the ship from, who appeared to have spread manure throughout the barracks. I ordered his ship burnt while he watched as punishment, then had the recruits clean up the mess. *signed hastily* Torrak Keres, Mercenary Skirmisher Title: Re: Task ~ Seaborne Assault: Operation Disgruntled Walrus Post by: Linaeus on January 25, 2009, 06:42:23 am "Additionally, 11,000 coins were added to the coffers.
- The Keres" Title: Re: Task ~ Seaborne Assault: Operation Disgruntled Walrus Post by: Faden on January 25, 2009, 11:08:51 am It was early in the morning and people were still tired. It took a little while to get sorted but we quickly learnt that it's harder to heal yourself when being bashed by an Orc.
Title: Re: Task ~ Seaborne Assault: Operation Disgruntled Walrus Post by: Raiden Morana on January 25, 2009, 02:49:06 pm Hmmm. Recruits like ter find out the 'ard way... Nine out o' ten recruits die a horrible death.
Fine report Keres and well done in the end. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |