Title: "Trained by the 'Keres" Post by: Kas Valentine on January 26, 2009, 01:04:03 pm Led by;
Company Skirmisher Torrak Keres. Attended by; Company Arcanist Kas Valentine. Mercenary Recruit Thomas Deburg. This report is late by a few days so I shall keep it short, here are the sketches I managed to put to paper..... (http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/5148/91076367vl1.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) Stage I: 'Keres and Deburg spar with KV providing healing to keep them on their toes so they can practice various moves and defences. Both men land some excellent blows and generally display a large degree of Covian finesse. Stage II: 'Keres orders the healing to halt and the two fighters go it alone. Eventually Thomas is knocked to the floor and Torrak claims victory. Stage III: A second fight is organised between 'Keres and Deburg, this time with KV invoking the In Sanct Ylem enchantment to draw up firm (but fleeting) walls of stone between the contestants. A wild goose chase ensues around the obstacles until at last Deburg comes up against one with an angry 'Keres at his back. He falls. Stage IV: A number of one on one fights occur, 'Keres versus KV, Deburg versus KV, the latter in both fights reigns supreme. Stage V: Both Torrak and Thomas level up against KV, he gives them the run around, constantly knocking their weapons from their hands until such time as his potion and reagent supplies get low. With no other choice he knocks the fighters out one by one and takes his throne as Lord of the Arena. A grand session of training in my humble opinion, I learned this..... "I am fantastic" ....and it was a valuable lesson. The signature is seared to the parchment with vivid scorchmarks, Company Arcanist Kas Valentine. Title: Re: "Trained by the 'Keres" Post by: Raven on January 26, 2009, 01:19:08 pm Looks good! I Think I may rest too early and miss out on this action!
Title: Re: "Trained by the 'Keres" Post by: Kal/Mathew on January 28, 2009, 01:36:51 am { Walks by and reads the Report}
Nice to see the training Continues |