Title: Recruit Task ~ Protecting the ground hogs. Post by: Marcus Kobra on January 28, 2009, 11:37:28 am Recruit, glad yer made it up those steps. No no don't sit, grab yer kit. Shires full of nasties this time of the year. Aside from this its almost ground hog's day. If the hogs scared then we'll never know whats in store for the future! Your mission, should ye choose to accept such a daring mission. Is to go out into the Shire and kill any nasties you find! Also ye should attempt to find and mark the hole of a ground hog for observation!
Conditions: *Atleast 1 other must go with you. *Search the Shire for no less than 15 minutes. *Post a full report incluidng pictures on the main notice board (IC Thread) Nay fail recruit, the farmers of Cove are counting on ye! *Signed* Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet, Baronship of Cove Title: Re: Recruit Task ~ Protecting the ground hogs. Post by: Marcus Kobra on March 05, 2009, 12:03:32 am The current task is now obsolete. The season hath passed and it would seem the farmers did just fine without ye recruit. Untill next harvest. . .
*Signed* Marcus Kobra, Mercenary and Company Medic, Baronship of Cove |