Title: Mercenary Task ~ Kaldorian Salvage Post by: Marcus Kobra on January 28, 2009, 11:53:11 am Merc, ahh good. Another Task! Seems that durring the Kaldorian Line campaign, much resources where abandoned. Within the Southern Jungles just south of Trinsic, there lie 6 ruins of the old forts. I want you to scout them and salvage anything that you can. Bring a pack horse and nay get eaten by a panda!
Conditions: *May be completed by Mercenary and above. *May be completed in two parts. *Search each ruins for no less than 10 minutes each. *Arrange for food and tools so that ye might lunch and dig at the sites. *Remeber to protect your pack animals. *Atleast 1 other Mercenary must follow you. *Post a full report on the main notice board (IC Thread). Officers Notes: Again, I have little knowledge of the area. Proceed with all caution. No telling whats hidding in those jungles, Kaldorians where rumoured to have savage beasts for pets, including the dreaded Panda. *Signed* Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet, Baronship of Cove |