Title: Vesper Campaign - 8.30pm GMT, Thursday 05/02/09 Post by: Raiden Morana on February 05, 2009, 09:26:44 am Civil War In Vesper ~ The Vesper Campaign. What: Vesper Civil War ~ Round 6 When: 8.30pm GMT, Thursday 05/02/09 Where: Meet at the barracks The Vesper Militia were gettin' a bit cocky after their first victory of the campaign Tuesday eve so let's bring the buggers back down ter earth eh? Rally at the barracks prepared for war and determined for victory! Tonight's objective: (http://www.kpmitchell.co.uk/Vesper/civilwarmap.jpg) Defending the Hostel. Best of 5 Rounds is the winner. You may only rejoin at the end of each round. |