Title: Vesper Revolt! Sixth Engagement Post by: Raven on February 05, 2009, 11:03:32 pm Lead by:
Raiden Morana Present: Faden Wildheart Marcus Tel'var Perrin Falconheart Garrison Hawk Raiden Morana Raven Kas Valentine (http://img32.picoodle.com/img/img32/3/2/5/f_MERCVESPERRm_517a2e2.jpg) Total Pay: 30,000 coins 5,000 each. Garrison donated his pay to he company. Overview: The Engagement took place very near last Tuesday's battle. We fought for control of the area in 4 major conflicts, of which the Union won three. After this, we headed towards the Vesper bank to collect our pay, where we found ourselves engaging battle with a giant crimson shaded dragon, after a long battle involving a large amount of warriors from all over Vesper, the creature was felled, and judging by the amount of armour in its' belly, the creature had eaten many a' adventurer. Sketches: (http://img32.picoodle.com/img/img32/3/2/5/f_MERCVESPERRm_8df4e37.jpg) (http://img32.picoodle.com/img/img32/3/2/5/f_MERCVESPERRm_1bb99af.jpg) (http://img32.picoodle.com/img/img32/3/2/5/f_MERCVESPERRm_0a88da7.jpg) Raven Title: Re: Vesper Revolt! Sixth Engagement Post by: Raiden Morana on February 05, 2009, 11:24:59 pm Good work men!
We saved Vesper from the red menace... Twice! Hoh! Get some bloody green apples in yer packs in future though. *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Vesper Revolt! Sixth Engagement Post by: Faden on February 06, 2009, 01:21:32 pm That was a great report Raven. It was a great learning experience as Raiden mentioned I will be eating apples more often to keep my immune system up.
Signed, Faden Wildheart |