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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kas Valentine on February 10, 2009, 03:43:08 pm

Title: Report: "The Morana Method"
Post by: Kas Valentine on February 10, 2009, 03:43:08 pm
Led by;
Commander Raiden Morana.

Attended by;
Company Arcanist Kas Valentine.
Company Skirmisher Raven.
Mercenary Sergeant Hoagie.
Mercenary Marcus Tel'Var.
Mercenary Faden Wildheart.
Mercenary Takeamada.
Mercenary Recruit Kyte.
Mercenary Ludwik Bloodaxe.

Observed by;
Hardened Mercenary Grief Dryfh Gry.
Company Skirmisher Torrak Keres.

Once again my sketching hand recreates a scene in vivid colours.....

(http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/2995/raidenrw1.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

Our dear Commander rallied all the men available from our recent hunt to Fire Temple and organised them on the roof of the barracks for a session of pure training. We began rather sedately with an inspection of our "Covian kit", s'always important to make sure you have the right tools for survival. Bandages, torches, and bedrolls were dumped to the ground for Morana's appraisal.

The Commander gave a short speech on useful items to take into battle after our standard items had been noted and stowed away, for reference here are the points he made;

  • Potions: Always have a good stock of (at the very least) heal, cure and refresh. It is easy to understand why these would be helpful but even easier to underestimate just how life saving they can be at times. For the melee and shieldfighters it was pointed out that a few bottles of greater strength never did any harm (except to our opponents) and concoctions of night sight always find friendly lips.
  • Plant Petals: Two well known plants produce edible leaves in Britannia, an orange one which increases resilience against poisons and a purple one which will temporarily tense up the muscles and make a person stronger. A fine snack for any mercenary, fragrant too.
  • Medicinal Apples: Certain grocers across the realm stock a treated version of the fruit which soothes painful symptoms and serves to promote uninhibited healing. Good to know when so many of the fights we involve ourselves in feature such dastardly tactics.

All of the men in attendance involved themselves in the discussion and will doubtless keep the information for use in the near future.

The training got into full swing after this with a number of laps around the arena, followed swiftly by situps and then an unarmed wrestling match with partners. My partner was Raven and since he was clearly on a bad footing against my obvious brawling skills he resorted to bashing me over the head with his crossbow.

The men and I ganged up on him afterwards, I believe a lesson was learned.

We ended with a last man standing (during which I was as popular as ever, curse each and every one of you), Morana claimed victory and we were then dismissed.

The power of Cove increases with every day !

PS; If I have neglected to mention anyone that was at this training please feel free to ammend my mistake, can't recall if we were graced with the presence of 'Keres for example.

Stamped with a wriggling signature that crackles with energy,
Company Arcanist Kas Valentine.

Title: Re: Report: "The Morana Method"
Post by: Raiden Morana on February 10, 2009, 04:30:44 pm
A fine report as ever Valentine.

I believe Keres arrived to observe the Last Man Standing and their was also a bandage burglar present. *sage nod*

Make sure ye are stocked up with petals and potions for tonight's rumble with the Vesperians chaps. They will save yer life!


Raiden, Commander.

Title: Re: Report: "The Morana Method"
Post by: Grief Dryfh Gry on February 10, 2009, 05:28:53 pm
Nah bad ya dam foo'! S'looking gud'. T'was interestin' ta observe fo'sho.


Grief Dryfh Gry

Title: Re: Report: "The Morana Method"
Post by: Mr Bloodaxe on February 10, 2009, 07:17:48 pm
I attended the whole training session

Ludwik Bloodaxe, Mercenary

Title: Re: Report: "The Morana Method"
Post by: Raven on February 10, 2009, 07:56:18 pm
Get you Bloodaxe ! So was I!

Good show though, could h ave come more prepared since I knew it was coming.

Title: Re: Report: "The Morana Method"
Post by: Mr Bloodaxe on February 10, 2009, 08:04:39 pm
Yes Raven, but unlike yourself, I was not named on the attendance list.

Ludwik Bloodaxe, Mercernary

Title: Re: Report: "The Morana Method"
Post by: Raven on February 10, 2009, 11:28:00 pm
I thought we were quite memorable.

Blame the magic use.

Title: Re: Report: "The Morana Method"
Post by: Kas Valentine on February 11, 2009, 02:40:47 am
My apologies Bloodaxe, I have gone over with fresh ink and corrected that.

Charred with a smoking signature,
Company Arcanist Kas Valentine.