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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Hawke on February 11, 2009, 07:48:41 am

Title: Report:Fighting for Feathers
Post by: Hawke on February 11, 2009, 07:48:41 am
T'was a slow day, not many folks about, so I made me way over ta the barracks where I be given the task of collectin some feathers fer me mates. I made a quick stop at the Coveian Market ta grab a few lanterns then I double-timed it over ta the Covetous mines.

Upon enter'n I almost walked smack dab inta a geyser a flame shoot'n outta the floor. I carefully made me way around a few  more of them holes and I came ta the enterance of a cavern. I quickly set-up the lanterns inna circle and lit them, dunno if the light drew the smelly hags ta me or what but I was soon set upon by a flock of 'em

Remember'n the train'n I'd just received and thanking the Avatar for me new armor and sword I began fell'n the ugly, smelly creatures!!!

It seemed like there be a endless supply of them harpys...I could barely finish one  off and a nother one would pop up. Eventually they stoped attack'n...so I grabbed up a lantern and checked the cavern out. Findin it empty I delved deeper inta the mines...eventually find'n more harpys, some stupid headless creatures..and some haprys that seemed ta be made outta stone! Dunno how good their feathers will be fer arrows but I grabbed them up none the less.

After fill'n me pack with feathers and gold I made me way outta the mines and back ta the barracks where I dropped off the feathers and some gold fer the coffers.

Total feathers collected: 1400
Gold fer the coffers: 4000

Heres some sketches of me adventure






Garrison Hawke, Mercenary Recruit

Title: Re: Report:Fighting for Feathers
Post by: Raiden Morana on February 11, 2009, 08:20:21 am
Good work recruit and a fine report too.


Raiden, Commander.