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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raven on February 13, 2009, 10:02:41 pm

Title: Report: Poison Licence
Post by: Raven on February 13, 2009, 10:02:41 pm
* Raven looks upon the Poisoning Licence Task and thinks to himself; Hmm.. Poison.. This weapon has caused me great pain when fighting Vesper.. and many of the creatures that create it. Would be handy to learn a bit more about it... *

Poisoning Licence

Here is the path I chose to achieve my poisoning licence;

Step 1: Head out to a City Library to find out about how Poison is made.

I took my first steps to fulfil this task by heading to the biggest library that I knew of; Britain Library. The walk was long but not arduous and I arrived at the Library in no time. I searched through the various indexes, and found a book of particular interest;

'The Art Of Poison'

'Treatise On Alchemy'

Quote: 'However, beware of the deadly nightshade, for it yeilds a deceptively sweet-tasting poison that can prove highly fatal to the drinker, and in fact is also used by assassins to coat their blades.'

After much studying I learned a lot about how poison is made, and the various ingredients that can be use to make it and where they are found, I continued for several days of study in the library, until I concluded I had learned enough to find Petrus to see if he can answer some of my questions.


Step 2: Seek out Petrus the Beekeeper in the lands east of Compassion Moongate. He will give you important advice as to the use of poison by animals.

I made my way through the forest and valleys near Compassion until I met a gypsy camp, I asked them for further directions to find this elusive bee-keeper. They gave me directions through a small mountain pass to the other side of the mountain.


I sure enough found Petrus, and the conversation proved interesting, he asked me to perform some tasks, and remove some threats to his bees before he would divulge in his information, it proved a fairly simple task and I learned quite a bit from him, as a thank you he gave me a special kind of crossbow.

Step 3: Travel southwest to the sandy region. Here you will find speckled scorpions, which carry a potent poison in their stings. Kill these, and recover five poison sacks. These are the ones I want you to bring me.


Step 4: Head to Cove graveyard and slay the spirits within for magical reagents until you have 30 garlic.


These tasks have been completed, I am placing them for all to see, and hope for a response for the next step.
