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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Hawke on February 17, 2009, 04:48:52 am

Title: Report: Recruit Task~Bug Problem
Post by: Hawke on February 17, 2009, 04:48:52 am
Learnin about the task ta wipe out some Solen from Commander Raiden I grabbed me gear and made fer the hole leadin ta their nests...I'd come upon it once or twice already while walk'n in the shire.

Upon reachin the hole I grabbed a lantern and me sword and dropped inta the hole...expect'n it ta be pitch dark like them mines I had been in I was surprised, and discomforted, by how well lit them tunnels were. Stowin away the lantern I unstrung me shield and made me way down the tunnel.

Over many hours I ran inta many creatures. Many Solen workers, which weren't so bad, and some Solen Warriors...which were a little bit more difficult....them lads got good natural armor on 'em...and when ye kill 'em they bleed out some kinda acid....I got mor'n one burn for me troubles, and the soles of me boots are mostly gone. Aside from them Solen I also ran inta some dreadful mean spiders...and one big angry Ant Lion that wern't ta happy with me bein in his cave.....aside from beast I found a strange loo'n contraption with a book next ta it saying tha machine could make fouled water pure...least thats how I took it.

Eventually I came upon me first Solen Queen....little did I know them queens could spit acid and I'm ashamed ta admit the first queen knocked me on me arse....when I came to I hunted her down, not wantin ta get hit by her acid agin I rushed in amidst her many legs and strated hacking and a slashin....after awhile we were both pretty banged up but I managed to pierce her armored carapace and kill that ugly mother of 'em bugs! After restin fer a bit I continued on and found a egg room where I ended up fightn three more queens, these seemed younger...maybe newly hatched, and a mess of warriors and workers.

When I got to tired ta swing me sword anymore I dragged me beat'n carcass outta them tunnels and back ta me home where I slept fer the better part of two days. I had carried out a pack full of gold and gems. After selln them gems I combined tha gold and split it, half fer me and half fer the coffers. I walked inta town and dropped of the gold, some mushrooms I had collected in them tunnels, maybe they be good fer eatin or makin poison, and a strange bracelet I took off the first queens corpse.

Here be some skecthes a the task:


Gold fer the coffers:7500
Mushrooms: A whole mess of 'em
Bracelet: one shiny gold one


Garrison Hawke, Mercenary Recruit

Title: Re: Report: Recruit Task~Bug Problem
Post by: Raiden Morana on February 17, 2009, 11:01:20 am

Damn fine work recruit.

I'm impressed.


Raiden, Commander.