Title: Lookin fer a blacksmith Post by: Hawke on February 17, 2009, 09:58:47 pm *Tacks up a small note on the board*
I be lookin fer a smith ta make me the followin weapons, One executioners axe One double axe One large battle axe I'd like 'em ta either be made a shadow ore, or valorite....or one a each. If'n yer interested leave a message below and gimme a idea a the cost and time frame ta make 'em. Thanks, *Signed* Garrison Hawke, Mercenary Recruit Title: Re: Lookin fer a blacksmith Post by: Faden on February 21, 2009, 11:49:54 am *Spud attaches another note to the already hanging one*
Dear Mr Hawke, I would be pleased to make the required items for you. Please give me a little time to collect the required resources. I will let you know of the cost shortly. Signed, Spud Goodsoup Armourer and Tailor of Cove. Title: Re: Lookin fer a blacksmith Post by: Hawke on February 23, 2009, 06:14:02 am *Hawke enters town for the first time in a few days and checks the board, a huge smile breaking out upon seeing Mr. goodsoup's note...he looks around, intently searching for something, frowns and runs off.
A short while later he runs back to the board carrying a small note which he tacks below Spud's note* Hail Mr. Goodsoup, Pleased I be ta see yer note! Make 'em at yer leisure sir for I be knowin it takes time ta make quality weapons! *Signed* ~Hawke, Mercenary Recruit *After tacking the note up Hawke walks off towards his home whistling a happy tune* Title: Re: Lookin fer a blacksmith Post by: Takeamada on February 23, 2009, 06:55:44 am *pins a note under each of theses*
Dear Sir: The items you require are available, please let me know where and when to deliver! (http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/5687/tibhawke.jpg) (http://img243.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tibhawke.jpg) *Signed* Tiberus Delmore Elder Craftsmen |