Title: Covian Prime Time - 7-10pm Post by: Raiden Morana on February 23, 2009, 01:44:04 pm There's plenty o' work ter be done in this fine town of ours...
The graveyard and orc fort need patrollin'. Resources need gatherin' and our borders need watchin'. Sentries posting at the gates or a little quiet time relaxin' with friends in the square or the tavern. Nasty beasts need hunting, recruits need trainin' and banners need placin'. Hup to it Covians. *signed and stamped with the Baronial Seal* Raiden, Commander. (OOC: Get in game and have some fun chaps! :D) Title: Re: Covian Prime Time - 7-10pm Post by: Faden on February 23, 2009, 01:47:41 pm As Yew move in closer every day and the current affairs it is so important we maintain order in Cove.
I urge everyone to be prepared for anything that may happen. Raiden I strongly suggest we have a meeting so us, the common folk of Cove can hear about what I've just read in The Covetowne Gazette. I was one of the members in the recruiting patrol last night and now Keres was taken and killed! This is outrageous! I call for Yewish blood immediately. We need an official word on this before I personally head off to Yew and slay the first piece of scum I encounter and also start burning down their buildings. Scribbled, Faden Wildheart Title: Re: Covian Prime Time - 7-10pm Post by: Raiden Morana on February 23, 2009, 03:38:59 pm Nay believe all ye read in the papers lads 'n' lasses.
Keep yer eyes fixed on duty rather than revenge eh? We're professionals. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |