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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kas Valentine on May 12, 2005, 10:18:26 pm

Title: Report on Ore expedition...
Post by: Kas Valentine on May 12, 2005, 10:18:26 pm
Guardsmen that attended; Fabien, Kal Shadowhand, Kas Valentine, Gimbly, John Dell, Talon, Vlad, William Edenfort, Rake Driftwood, Zell Dencht, Chino Moreno, Becca v.Radunkel.

After a lengthy call to rally outside the barracks, a selection of guardsmen lined themselves up ready for orders. Guardsman Gimbly informed us that we would be heading to an abandoned mine to chart the availability of forges and to make notes on local wildlife. Once the token wizard had acquired himself a runestone a gate was opened and the guardsmen piled in.

The mouth of the cave was black as night and not terribly inviting but nevertheless after a quick recap of what was to happen, Gimbly led everyone inside. Torches were lit and the darkness was pushed back a touch, allowing people to at least see one another.

"S'this way!" said Gimbly, and they set off, eyes alert and weapons at the ready. On and on through darkened corridors did they travel, encountering on the first level great beasts hewn from the very earth beneath their feet. Scorpions of immense size also attempted to hinder our progress but they were soon slain and gradually the guardsmen made their way to a pulsing gate. Gimbly piped up "This leads on to the deeper levels, everyone in!" and ushered the Covians through.

The deeper level was even darker than the one before, and a chill breeze shot through the Covians sending teeth a chattering. We travelled further on and encountered more foul beasts, composed entirely of air and pure metal, the colour of dull copper. They too were laid to waste by the mighty Covians, as well as several deep sea beasts that inhabited an underground lake in the mines.

Several of the guardsmen were too spooked by the darkness or had pressing business to attend and had to leave, so upon setting foot on the third level we found our numbers greatly depreciated. But onwards did we delve, looking hopefully for the glowing embers of a friendly forge. But none did we find, the brave men remaining fought hard against beasts consisting of both water and fire. They slaughtered their way through a tower full of men twisted and tainted by the arcane, but not a forge could be seen, nor a trace of any previous mining expeditions.

But guardsmen Gimbly led the men on proudly, "we must search every corner fellas', ye never know". So on they went, fighting and fighting until two dead ends put a slow to their pace and they were forced to admit defeat. With a sigh guardsmen Gimbly called a retreat to the barracks, pledging to find good deposits of ore another day, even if it killed him !

So I cast a portal back to Cove and there we rested our weary legs and toasted the passing day with an ale and pockets full of gold. I penned the following map of our journey for reference;


*signed neatly in flamboyant writing*
Watchman Kas Valentine.

Title: Re: Report on Ore expedition...
Post by: Gimbly on May 13, 2005, 08:16:58 am
*reads the report carefully, nods a few times *

Excellent report there Watchman Kas and neatly drawn map. Ye put everything of interest into this
writing Žere. So we failed to find any forge or other possibility to melt em ore down there.
ThereŽs a way leading deeper into em mines but this is only recommendable if explored by a higher
number of milita folk so we spared that part.  A small piece of em ore was sent to em mining guild in
Minoc for further analyses where they shurly can verify em purity and usability of that ore.
Anyway due to em high numbers of agressive local lifeforms it is highly recommended for any miners to
bring a well trained protective group with them and to build a stationary forge somewhere  in that area.

PS: I hope recruit Vlad is on the road to recovery from his knockout of one of those living torches..
So if heŽll ask about his kit, my men brought his stuff to em barracks and stored it there ..somewhere..

~~ Gimbly ~~

Title: Re: Report on Ore expedition...
Post by: Gregor Eason on May 13, 2005, 02:07:02 pm
Well led, Junior Gimbly. Ye are nearing your promotion to Regular.
And well documented Watchman Valentine. Excellent stuff!

Commander Eason,
Cove Militia & Baronship Council