Title: [Report] Horn Of The Yamadon Post by: Raiden Morana on February 26, 2009, 11:48:40 pm Led by:
Raiden, Commander. Attended by: Kas Valentine, Company Arcanist. Raven, Company Skirmisher. (reinforcement) Faden Wildheart, Mercenary. Celuvian Haap, Mercenary Recruit. (reinforcement) Dah'Han, Mercenary Recruit. Leander Le Blanc, Mercenary Recruit. TROPHY COLLECTED: HORN OF THE YAMADON. COINS DONATED TO THE COFFERS: 9,000 RAVEN, KAS, FADEN & LEANDER. Tonight's mission took us to Tokuno and the island of Isamu. The local populace were being plagued by a horrbile beast known as the Yamadon... Uhmmm... As well as two headed wolves, sneaky bandits and huge magical beetles... The Baron had also requested a trophy to hang on his mantlepiece during his recent visit so it was an opportunity for The Company to kill two birds with one stone... Well three really as we had been promised a handsome fee for ridding the area of this terrible monster. As we stepped through the portal into Isamu we followed the road and soon happened across a lady adventurer who was being acosted by some roaming ninjas. We took them down to the relief of the adventurer and after making sure she was alright and handing her a recruitment leaflet we continued along on our journey. We were ambushed by giant too headed wolves and bandits, not to mention being the victims of swirling dust storms but we battled onwards our packs becoming ever heavier with the loot we were collecting. All of which the local elders said we could keep as long as we saw the job through. Kas's fingers twinkled in the direction of a particularly innocent looking horse too but I told him to stand down. As we got nearer to the area known as Yamadon Point the packs of wolves and bandits became more frequent and as we reached the peninsular itself we now had giant magical insects to deal with. With the fight against these beasts raging, out of the woods charged the Yamadon... My sources were right in saying it was an ugly brute. Like a cross between a bull and a slug. A Blug! As Kas christened it. (http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4849/yamadony.jpg) We were almost overpowered and thankfully reinforcements arrived to bolster our ranks. We had a few mages on duty and they worked well all eve but the risk of them running out of herbs was a nagging concern as we became bogged down with the swarming rune beetles whilst the Yamadon fled back into the woods. We regrouped and I ordered Faden into the shadows to try and track the beast after it had fled southwards. Raven too went in search of the ugly thing and found it some way away. Celuvian and I skirmished the beast while Faden and Raven loosed their bolts from range and Kas, Dah'han and Leander fizzed and sizzled their spells from relative safety. Without the hordes of insects to offer it protection and even though it spat it's poison at us furiously we made short work of the Yamadon and I carved a horn from it's corpse before Kas whizzed us off back to Cove. Over fifty thousand coins had been recovered. Each man lined up at the barracks received nine thousand each for a job well done, though several donated their share to the coffers and Celuvian had to withdraw during the Yamadon's demise and so kept the coins he had in his pack. Another Covian Victory! *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: [Report] Horn Of The Yamadon Post by: Faden on February 27, 2009, 01:37:08 pm A well detailed report commander. I gave my share of my gold to the coffers too!
Signed, Faden Wildheart Title: Re: [Report] Horn Of The Yamadon Post by: Raiden Morana on February 27, 2009, 01:47:05 pm Wha'!? Ye!? *grins*
Report amended. *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: [Report] Horn Of The Yamadon Post by: Faden on February 27, 2009, 02:00:04 pm Ye me!
It was my first time to ever donate my gold, don't think it'll be a normal occurance, mercenaries need to get paid. I need to start thinking about my next rank depending on how things plan out. Signed, Faden Wildheart |