Title: Report: Obliterating Orcs Post by: Leander on February 27, 2009, 09:09:51 am Led by:
Abigail Keres, Mercenary Recruit Report compiled by: Leander Le Blanc, Mercenary Recruit Present in the Company: Abigail Keres, Mercenary Recruit Nora Grimsby, Mercenary Recruit Leader Le Blanc, Mercenary Recruit On this 27th of February, as the darkness filled the sky in the dead of night, We recruits set out to pillage the orc fort. The purpose of this short mission was a simple one, to get Nora familiarized with some of Cove’s deadliest neighbors, and to ensure that the Orc expansion stays thwarted. The recruits scaled the hill up to the entrance of the fort and began engaging in combat with Oricsh bombers and Orcish choppers, who were presided over by an Orcish Lord. Things appeared normal, or as normal as they can be for the Orcish. The Orcs were still countless in numbers, but they had not built any noticeable new structures or weapons since Cove’s last visit. Nora moved in for close ranged attacks with her blade while Abigail and I kept our distance, healing our fellow recruit, and raining down spells to smite the foul creatures. After tearing through several grunts, the orcs sent a brute to rend us asunder. We triumphed! After clearing two rooms, and securing the center of the fort, we decided their numbers were too great for three mere recruits. Another brute rushed towards us, and with some effort, the abomination fell to the ground with a Sosarian-splitting thud. We decided it was time to fall back, but we vowed to return soon in greater numbers. Once we were safely back in Cove, we divvied up our paying and put aside four thousand coins for the coffers. I’ve included some woodblock prints and sketches of our hazardous undertaking below: (http://i40.tinypic.com/e68xgh.jpg) It was a full night of fighting for all of us. For Cove, and may the Avatar have mercy on us all! *Inked in long loopy script* Leander Le Blanc, Mercenary Recruit Title: Re: Report: Obliterating Orcs Post by: Raiden Morana on February 27, 2009, 09:50:05 am Excellent report Leander.
S'good to see some recruits showin' initiative. Keep up the good work! *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Report: Obliterating Orcs Post by: Linaeus on February 27, 2009, 07:15:03 pm *filling the margins of the report are the following words*
I got to incinerate a Brute! I got to incinerate a Brute! I got to incinerate a Brute! |