Title: When Drow Attack! Post by: Linaeus on February 27, 2009, 07:10:56 pm Led By: Abigail Keres, Mercenary Recruit
Attended: Leander "Leblah" Le Blanc, Mercenary Recruit Nora "Miss Angry" Grimsby Last eve, myself and two other recruits (Leblah and Miss Angry) were standing outside of the barracks preparing to retire for the night when, suddenly, two drow approached us! One that seemed to be the leader of the two demanded to speak with Commander Morana. We said the Commander was sleeping and couldnt come out to speak with her now but that we would be glad to take a message. The Drow huffed and puffed and at one point attempted to blow the barracks down (but to no avail - its made of brick) but eventually gave us the following message...which made no sense to us at all; "Commander Morana threatens my sister at his own peril." Or something! Regardless, she was threatening the Commander. I did what any Recruit would do and asked her (nicely, I promise!) to get her "Heathen Drow Arse" out of Covianshire. They refused, and a third Drow jumped out of the shadows at us! The battle was on. Well, not so much. Leblah and I quickly paralyzed them with a spell that Kas had taught us earlier, and we managed to fell one of them before the other two (using poisons, the swine!) cut us down. They then rounded us up and tied us together outside the barracks and restated the message, before peeling their fallen off the steps and trudging off (probably to do more evil heathen drow things). We would've been done for, had a mister "Valkur" and an associate approached shortly afterwards and cut the ropes. Seeing an opportunity, I woke up my brother Torrak and he recruited them both! One Drow down, and two Mercenaries gained! (Ignoring the injuries, of course.) *signed in elaborate script* Abigail Keres, Mercenary Recruit ((OOC Note: Sketches to be added when I get home.)) Title: Re: When Drow Attack! Post by: Raiden Morana on February 27, 2009, 10:12:59 pm Raiden reads the report and snarls...
And now I know where ye dwell Drowlings... Title: Re: When Drow Attack! Post by: Linaeus on February 28, 2009, 02:31:09 am (http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c190/Warbringer/DrowRaidAbigail.jpg)
Heres the sketches I took of their faces! - A. K. Title: Re: When Drow Attack! Post by: Raven on March 01, 2009, 12:26:56 pm We must be vigilant. The last thing we want to become are elf hating yewlanders but is a slight suspicion acceptable?