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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on March 03, 2009, 07:23:27 pm

Title: An Audience In Trinsic And Word Of Drow
Post by: Raiden Morana on March 03, 2009, 07:23:27 pm
Attended by:

Raiden, Commander.
Mercy, Company Arcanist.

Joined by:

Kal ShaodwHand, Officer Cadet.
Kas Valentine, Company Arcanist.
Marcus Kobra, Company Medic.
Faden Wildheart, Mercenary.
Jane, Mercenary Recruit.

A second trip to Trinsic in a week saw Mercy and myself ehosted by the Duke and his son to discuss matters of state while members of The Company secured Trinsic and repelled the invaders in fierce street to street fighting.

I clarified Cove's position and in particular The Company's after the changes undertaken in our fair town. I also expressed a desire to reaffirm trade links with the Duchy throug joint markets and agree to get Striker on the job of arranging such an event in the near future.


Various other issues arose from the Duchy's warmth towards Yew to possible commissions for The Company to help repel the invaders in Trinsic. Then I turned the conversation towards the Drow. It turned out one of the Rose's patrons, an elf, Trinsic's Trade Minister or something actually knew the whereabouts of Vierna's stronghold... In Malas. That is of course unless the Drowlings have relocated since her last visit. But it was a good lead and an opportunity to send out some shadow walkers to scout the area for an assault.

All in all a decent night. I'm warming to politics, if not diplomacy. *grins*


Raiden, Commander,