Title: Aiding a Fellow Covian Post by: Baolin on March 04, 2009, 11:26:09 am Whilst taking a walk in the shire to see what else had changed sence I was last here for duty I came upon the old Ruins where I seen this fella pinned to the old alter there with daggers and half burned. He wares the Badge a new badge of a Covian warrior even though he be an elf.
(http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/7201/uo0001t.png) Anyone knowing this lad, he was placed in the local healers as they will beable to better aide him than I. Signed: Mercenary Recruit: Baolin Title: Re: Aiding a Fellow Covian Post by: Me'an Silen on March 04, 2009, 11:31:23 am Healer's Report
- Sever Burns (seem to be most of body) - Two lines of stiches on face - Holes in hands, from Sharp Object - Possible Hallucinations, Continuasly says things like "The Guardian Worshipers are near" Treatment Stiches, Wrapped burns, hands bandaged, and Shipped him to covian Hospital for Round the clock wach on him |