Title: Report: Recruitment Run/Hunt Post by: Raven on March 07, 2009, 01:50:19 am Lead by:
Raven Present: Hoagie Torrak Keres Garrison Hawke Leander Le blah Dismissed early: Celuvian Haap Henrick Total loot: 1,004,000 1000 Given to Garrison, Leander. Hoagie and Keres donated. Overview: TBC Sketches: (http://img02.picoodle.com/img/img02/3/3/6/callummm/f_MERCRecruitm_39fdc63.jpg) (http://img02.picoodle.com/img/img02/3/3/6/callummm/f_MERCRecruitm_fecd8f7.jpg) (http://img02.picoodle.com/img/img02/3/3/6/callummm/f_MERCRecruitm_2b1e6a6.jpg) Raven Title: Re: Report: Recruitment Run/Hunt Post by: Raiden Morana on March 09, 2009, 08:51:35 am Raiden browses through the drawings...
Gwah!? Hoags? Someone really donated a million shillings ter The Company? The Sergeant nodded. Really? Nod nod. Har! Order some of those special pies and finest ale fer the officers mess. Hoho. |