Title: Message to Morana Post by: Aliryl on March 07, 2009, 09:02:33 pm I had just returned to the Barracks from a long walk around Cove woods when I noticed a commoner outside looking a bit pale. I approached her and asked what was wrong, she said a stranger was in the barracks. Taking a run up the stairs I looked around and saw the person on the roof, hooded and looking hostile. I decided the best approach was to try and be diplomatic as I did not have the fighting skills to deal with it. The stranger asked if I was a member of "That bastard Company", to which I replied I am part of the Covian Company, yes. He went on to say I had blood on my hands too and if I am part of the Commander's Company, then I am as bad as him.
He said he wanted to give the Commander a message, so I offered to get a pen and paper. Though it seemed obvious he wanted to give a different message and things looked as if they might get dangerous. Thankfully he changed his mind and decided that I was just a "pawn" and it was not worth it. Instead he said I was to say that he had been there and next time blood will be spilt, civilian too. (http://www.raveoff.com/images/zm6uycmhrzujqk2aqpqh.jpg) Title: Re: Message to Morana Post by: Raiden Morana on March 09, 2009, 08:54:18 am Raiden sat at his desk and pondered over the note.
Ughh... This fella really don't know when he's bettered. If he wasn't good enough ter fend me off when I supposedly attacked him in error, how does he expect to match me with only one good hand? I've warned him once. There'll not be a second time. *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Message to Morana Post by: Raven on March 10, 2009, 02:58:36 pm This the fellah that Faden took down the other day in t'barracks?
Title: Re: Message to Morana Post by: Faden on March 12, 2009, 06:53:04 pm Sure looks like it...