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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Hawke on March 08, 2009, 08:02:41 am

Title: Report: Books for Abigail
Post by: Hawke on March 08, 2009, 08:02:41 am
After our patrol a the graveyard and sites a the recent attacks Mercenary Torrak Keres gave fellow recuit Aliryl and me the task a finding his sister, Abigail, some books ta read while she was on the mend...he was kind enough ta let us each do it on our own accord as we both had other tasks at hand.

So first thing this morning I set off ta hit a few shops and see what books I could find, I also learned ye had ta watch the shop keepers as they'd show ye one book but try slipping ye another when ye weren't looking, not knowing what recruit Keres like ta read I tried ta get a wide variety for her.

After putting a few books in a pouch I headed back ta Cove. Not finding her in the hospital I made me way ta the Green Goblin for a bite ta eat and lucked upon her and a few a the other recuits there.

I gave her the bag a books (I hope they help her pass the time while she heals), grabbed a bite ta eat and made me way home to fill out some reports!

Few sketches a me shopping spree:



Garrison Hawke, Mercenary Recruit