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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Linaeus on March 09, 2009, 05:03:43 pm

Title: Command Task ~ Me'an Silen
Post by: Linaeus on March 09, 2009, 05:03:43 pm
Ghuh, yer still alive!? Just die alread-...erh, I mean, good work! I hear ye and Abigail were attacked out in Covianshire, eh? We really should patrol that place more often...I've got a job for you then!

Part One:
~ Lead a patrol to the Graveyard, slaying at least two liches.
~ Completely clear the graveyard at least once.
~ Gather at least 5,000 gold for the coffers.

Part Two:
~ Lead a patrol through Covianshire.
~ Document any threats or hostile creatures native to the area.
~ Feel free to vandalize the ruins, but take note of their locations in your report.

Part Three:
~ Establish a Sentry along the road through Covianshire, and hold the Sentry for at least thirty minutes.
~ Stop and question anyone that approaches, apprehend anyone that attempts to bypass the Sentry.

You may complete each part separately, or all together, or in any combination.
You must be accompanied by at least two other Recruits or Mercenaries for each part.
A full report must be completed for each part.

Torrak Keres, Company Skirmisher