Title: A new threat. Post by: Raven on March 09, 2009, 05:26:46 pm I'm sure Hoagie, and Me'an can fill in a bit more information on the evenin, and perhaps a paintin' as i was unable to get one.
I were working in m' home in Cove when I started to hear screamin' from the forests, there was what seemed to be smoke rising from the woods. I armed and rushed, and the closer I got the more i could hear, there was obviously some fightin' going on, I witness what seemed to be Undead Skeletons knocking Hoagie unconscious. Not long after that, Me'an was rushing through the forest, engaged in battle with another Skeleton, also knocking I suggest we keep aware, as the undead dont stay out of action for long, and we really have little information about them. Perhaps something to do with these monks that have appeared? Raven |