Title: Skilled Tinker Required! Post by: Mr Bloodaxe on March 10, 2009, 06:16:42 pm I love my axe but as a company pathfinder, it is sometimes required that I have a more...subtle weapon to use. That is why I require the most skilled of tinkers to make me a Cleaver! Not just any old Cleaver though, it needs to be the most top quality item. One in Shadow Iron and another made from Verite.
Please contact me when the items are completed and you shall be rewarded with 1000 gold coins per item, plus whatever shillings the command feel you deserve. Your assistance will be much appreciated. *Signed* Ludwik Bloodaxe, Mercenary Title: Re: Skilled Tinker Required! Post by: Freckletip on March 11, 2009, 08:15:36 pm Mr Bloodaxe,
I've made two such cleavers and would be delighted to show them to you. Do please send me a pigeon when you are free. P. Freckletip Title: Re: Skilled Tinker Required! Post by: Freckletip on March 17, 2009, 07:32:42 pm (http://www.pixelmancy.com/uo/cleaver1.png)
Title: Re: Skilled Tinker Required! Post by: Raiden Morana on March 17, 2009, 10:57:46 pm 35 Shillings awarded - Penny Freckletip
*signed* Raiden, Commander. |