Title: Report - "Fighting for feathers" Post by: Mercy on March 11, 2009, 10:49:59 pm Leading - Aliryl Trefynwyd
Attending - Torrak Kerres Celuvian Haap Reno Montresor As there wasn't much happening I decided to take those of us around on a patrol to Covetous and gather some feathers from the birdwomen there. (http://www.raveoff.com/images/110rmdxqwyawbnxjk85g.jpg) Celuvian opened a portal and we all headed in, fairly confident that this patrol would be an easy one. (http://www.raveoff.com/images/1zhxiwwsgrhas8im6yri.jpg) We worked our way all through the first set of tunnels, killing everything in sight and stripping the wings of feathers. Managing a good handful from each creature that we slayed. After we'd had enough killing them we headed on to the next set of tunnels and set our sights on a few elder gazers. Unfortunatly I happened to lose the sketches I made of the battles but we managed to take down four of them before our return home. Gold gathered - 6533 Feathers - 1050 *signed neatly* Aliryl Trefynwyd. |