Title: [Report] Trip To Haven & Patrol To Deceit Post by: Raiden Morana on March 12, 2009, 11:33:50 pm Attended by:
Raiden, Commander. (led the recruitment mission to New Haven) Celuvian Haap, Mercenary Recruit. (led the patrol to Deceit) Marcus Tel'var, Mercenary. Pickles, Mercenary Recruit. I gathered what bodies I could and we headed out to new Haven. I wanted to have a Company presence in the town and hopefully catch up with one of the locals willing to stand up to the bullying Loyalists. I sent each merc off with recruitment supplies to place banners in and around the town before reporting back to me at the bank. (http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/2223/havendeceit.jpg) The tasks done and nay sign of the locals willing to stand up fer themselves I tasked Celuvian with the job of transportin' us to the dungeon of his choice, where he would then lead us on a patrol. We stepped through his portal to the cavern of Deceit where Celuvian led us deep into it's depths to battle the undead, thoug hwe were too late to rescue any survivors. All the poor buggers that had been lured there by the deadite had been tortured and slain. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |