Title: The Forge and Loom is running low on Sewing Kits! Post by: Faden on March 15, 2009, 10:57:07 am Greetings tinkers of Cove!
Due to ever increasing demand for fine tailored goods the Forge and Loom urgently requires exceptional quality Sewing kits. If you are able to tinker these wonderful items perhaps we could setup a bulk deal or exclusive rights to be the official supplier of Sewing Kits to the Forge and Loom. Please attach your reply to this notice board or come visit the Forge and Loom. Kindest regards, Spud Goodsoup Title: Re: The Forge and Loom is running low on Sewing Kits! Post by: Freckletip on March 23, 2009, 10:40:03 pm Spud,
If you haven't yet made arrangements, I'd be very pleased to discuss this with you. Will you send a pigeon along when you expect to be at home? Penny Title: Re: The Forge and Loom is running low on Sewing Kits! Post by: Faden on March 26, 2009, 01:53:40 pm Dear Penny,
I shall be home tonight, if I am not there please pigeon me. I still need the sewing kits. Signed, Spud Goodsoup |