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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Michael Vandrik on March 22, 2009, 12:09:32 am

Title: Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Come all Ye Faithful!
Post by: Michael Vandrik on March 22, 2009, 12:09:32 am
*A notice posted at all boards, doors, roadsigns, and prominent locations*

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Come, All ye faithful servants and chyldren of Higher Being. Avatar's Holy Light summons ye to thy duty! For should ye wish to overcome the evil which now grips thy town thou must rally to one banner. One banner united by faith and dedication, and backed by the Holy Will of Higher Being! That is the banner of The Avatar!

Cove stands besieged on all borders by every manner of evil. Servants of guardian lie in legion at thy very door steps murdering thy loved ones and torturing thy chyldren! Any man who art learned enough should take up the cloth as a member of the clergy or his sword in righteous crusade against the evil servants of guardian! Any who art not baptised are encouraged to save their souls whilst there is still time! If thou die on the marrow, do you know whom shall have thy soul? Though the wages of sin, is death; There is eternal life in Lord Avatar! Remember that chyldren. Thy very souls hang in the balance! Thou art called! Whilst thy answer? Have ye the courage, or shalt thy allow thy loved ones to perish and their souls to be consumed by guardian ever to be tormented for all eternity!?  It is time chyldren, the lines are drawn! Thou art with Higher Being, or thou art His enemy and shalt Perish!
