Title: [COMPLETE] Recruit Trial ~ Aliryl Post by: Raiden Morana on March 24, 2009, 01:45:35 pm Recruit Trial ~ Aliryl
Hmmm... Aliryl eh? She's a fine lass and already showin' what an asset she is to The Company. I reckon she'll go far. First things first though... Her recruit Trial! Greetings lass, Here are yer trials. Yer one o' the nimblest steathers I've known lass. Might even give ShadowHand a run fer his money and ye'll need all that skill ter complete this task. Once ye have completed yer trial ye will be an accepted Mercenary, though we may have further plans fer ye, but either way we will need more Recruits. Head off to the Badlands in search of them! ~ Lay recruitment banners at each Badlands (Felucca) moongate. ~ Post sketches of your banners below. A shadow walker's advantage is surprise. Stepping from the shadows to fell a foe and then melting into the background again. To test just how far you have progressed with this technique and yer fighting skills as a whole I want ye ter sneak into the orc fort and assassinate 3 orc brutes. ~ Venture to the orc fort alone, attack and slay 3 orc brutes from stealth and live to tell the tale. ~ Post a full report with sketches of the slain brutes below. Host a relaxation event for yer fellows. The Company could do with blowing off a little steam and forgetting it's duties... Just for a little while. Whether it be dice or darts, in the tavern, square or elsewhere the choice is yers lass. ~ Host a relaxation event for your fellow Covians. ~ Post a full report with sketches of the event below. Good luck lass. Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Recruit Trial ~ Aliryl Post by: Aliryl on March 25, 2009, 08:54:59 pm Task one - Recruiting from the Shadows.
I equipped myself with plenty of banner material, stones, books and torches before heading out to the badlands. I took a deep breath before exiting each moongate and stepping out into the lands where evil dwells. (http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/4467/felbanners.jpg) When I reached Magincia I found myself faced with a problem, the moongate would not allow me back through and the area was filled with darkened souls. I had to pray to the gods to help me back to a safer place. *Signed Neatly* Aliryl Trefynwyd Title: Re: Recruit Trial ~ Aliryl Post by: Aliryl on March 25, 2009, 10:51:08 pm Task Two - Hit and Run (or should that be run, run, run, hit)
As there was not much to worry about in Haven with no sign of any Yewish turning up I decided to turn my hand to my next task. Killing three orc brutes, somehow I feel the Commander has too much confident in my weapon skills but I like a challenge. (http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2749/orcbrutes.jpg) Using my knowledge of the orc fort I quickly decided my best plan of action was to make my way to the dock side and lure the brute there. I would have enough room to move around in without attracting the attention of too many smaller orcs. I attempted to stealth through the fort but was soon spotted so had to dodge the various attacks that came my way to get to the docks. Once I had caught my breath it was time to lure my first brute, this was not easy either as there were several smaller orcs wandering around which I had to dispose of first. Finally with my prey where I wanted it I began the attack in earnest. There were a few times I came very close to failing my task as the brute threw Orc mages towards me, where I was poisoned and blasted by it spells. Lucky I am quick on my feet and managed to get myself to a reasonable safe distance to apply some bandages before resumming my attack. I had to use this tactic several times during my battle with the first brute but finally my work paid off and I defeated it. The second brute seemed a little easier now, I had grown more confident in myself and knew how best to tackle the situation now. This time though I had not only mages but bombers attacking me so I needed to be even quicker on my feet and time my attacks to perfection in order to avoid falling flat on my face. Eventually I tired the brute out and brought it crashing down. So on to my final one, or so I thought... I found it hiding the other side of the fence with no way of reaching it, the brute was lucky to get away. Gold collected - 2589 *Neatly signed* Aliryl Trefynwyd Title: Re: Recruit Trial ~ Aliryl Post by: Raiden Morana on March 25, 2009, 11:02:50 pm Excellent work so far lass!
Damn that cowardly third brute. I think ye proved yer skill nonetheless. Then again I may find something else for ye to do. *shifty eyes* *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Recruit Trial ~ Aliryl Post by: Aliryl on March 27, 2009, 01:28:41 pm Task 3 - R&R
My original plans for this was to have a wrestling match in the New Haven duel pit but as the amount of numbers I would of liked did not turn up, I decided that just a drink in the tavern would do. It would also mean we could cover another watch of Haven at the same time, which proved useful. (http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/4897/have3.jpg) I was delighted that a few of our civilans had turned up for the event, we were also joined by one of the ladies who attended the market. Once everyone was settled I turned my mind to thinking up some games to play. We started off with an old elven favourite though I changed it from being a song to just a story. It is a two word game where each person in turn has to add two words that will follow the previous person's to make a story. It did not last too long though as Dah'han kept losing his place and did not pay attention to what was said before him. So we began playing the inevitable Vesper tavern game of truth or dare, during the start a lone Yewish Footman was attempting to recruit. (http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/1055/have4.jpg) Half way through the game though a larger group of Yew Guards turned up, a report of which will follow shortly. The dares to begin with were both humiliating and rather funny, especially Faden's dare of having to sit in one of the horse troughs and pretend its a boat. I think everyone had a good time and were able to put their worries aside of Vesper and their recent antics for the evening. Just a shame that could not of been said about Yew. Signed Neatly Aliryl Trefynwyd Title: Re: Recruit Trial ~ Aliryl Post by: Raiden Morana on March 27, 2009, 01:45:15 pm Excellent work lass.
Nay be late ter parade on Sunday. I have a nice shiny badge fer ye. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |