Title: Trinsic and Covian Market - 8pm Saturday 04/04/09 Post by: Faden on March 27, 2009, 09:56:00 pm What: Market with the people of Trinsic.
When: 8pm onwards Saturday 04/04/09. Where: Cove city. Covian and Trinsic crafters will this eve set their stalls out in Cove offering their goods and services to the locals. Mercenaries are asked to attend out of uniform/off duty. Crafters are advised to bring additional goods due to high demands throughout Cove! *signed* Faden Wildheart Title: Re: Trinsic and Covian Market - 8pm Saturday 04/04/09 Post by: Linaeus on April 04, 2009, 12:19:52 am *Bump*
Title: Re: Trinsic and Covian Market - 8pm Saturday 04/04/09 Post by: Faden on April 04, 2009, 12:24:48 pm Thank you.
Yes this is tonight, this even will be led by Spud Goodsoup. Signed, Faden Wildheart |