Title: Caps for Covians. Post by: Marcus Kobra on March 31, 2009, 08:06:54 am Seeing as the Sarge has failed to confiscate my key to the stores I came across the fact that we are completly out of Covian Caps. The fact that recruits are without them nay bothers me so much. Once they had to earn em! But it will nay do should someone lose their cap or have it torched by an arcanist.
You are hearby tasked with crafting twenty Covian Caps. These Items should be of the finest quality. *Conditions* All items must be Exceptional quality. This task may only be completed once. Shillings shall be awarded for the creativity of your report. Turn in your wares to an officer to receive credit for your work. *Signed* Marcus Kobra, Company Medic. Title: Re: Caps for Covians. Post by: Faden on April 01, 2009, 05:44:33 pm Dear Mr Kobra,
This evening I noticed this task and began sewing 20 fine caps for the Company. They were all the highest of quality as expected when dealing with the Forge and Loom. Below is a transcript of my meeting with Hoagie. (http://xs538.xs.to/xs538/09143/caps1420.jpg) (http://xs538.xs.to/xs538/09143/caps2139.jpg) Signed, Spud Goodsoup (http://neverdream.eu/uo/seal.png) Title: Re: Caps for Covians. Post by: Raiden Morana on April 01, 2009, 06:46:57 pm 50 Shillings awarded ~ Spud Goodsoup.
*signed* Raiden, Commander. |