Title: Relations With Vesper Deteriorate Further Post by: Raiden Morana on April 09, 2009, 08:44:00 am Hear ye, hear ye...
Earlier this week a Covian delegation led by Commander Morana, Sergeant Hoagie, Corporal Keres and Officer Cadet Trefynwyd headed to Vesper to discuss a peaceful resolution to the border dispute and put a halt to Vesperian raids into the Shire and the theft of resources from Cove's mines. However the Vesperians were in no mood for negotiation and obviously smarting still from defeat after defeat at the hands of the Company during the civil war, Chancellor Escaflowne and Captain Bedford did nought but spoil for a fight and escalate matters into a full blown conflict. With the militia bolstered by drunkards, arcanists of ill repute and conscripts press-ganged into service it would seem that our former allies from the Northern Alliance wish to make the world Vesper! After the meeting had come to a somewhat abrupt end Commander Morana was quoted as saying "If it wasn't for the sacrifices made by Covians to liberate Vesper, the buggers would now be speaking Yewish. And this is how they repay us!?" Free men and women of Cove. We must steel ourselves once more as evil and tyranny threatens our very existence. Freedom and Cove will prevail! Title: Re: Relations With Vesper Deteriorate Further Post by: Leander on April 13, 2009, 04:23:02 am Commander Morana, Sir,
While I watched the meeting I took minutes of the important bits in the journal I keep inside of my kit. I thought it would of the utmost importance to have this “diplomacy” on file. I also drew up a few sketches of the happenings. *Signed neatly* Leander Le Blanc, Company Arcanist (http://i41.tinypic.com/2rz8n74.jpg) (http://i42.tinypic.com/oa992p.jpg) |