Title: Report: Covian Fun Night - Darts tournament Post by: Aliryl on April 10, 2009, 08:49:14 pm The night started off slowly with just a few Covians attending after the recruitment efforts of Corporal Keres.
(http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/4647/darts1.jpg) Shortly after a large amount of Yewish Guardsmen turned up willing to join in. (http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/5973/darts2.jpg) I started by explaining the rules which I realised should of been if someone misses everyone takes a drink, instead of if someone gets a bullseye. (http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/2339/darts3.jpg) Everyone had a go expect one Yewish lady and the evening went by very peacefully with only a little friendly banter on either side. Unfortunatly all the high scores were on Yew's side, scoring in the high sixties and above. The 3rd place went to Captain Bladius Dart with 65, 2nd place was Veteran Guard Leo Madsen scoring 70 and 1st place was Besieger Corporal Sineal Walker with the impressive score of 71. (http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/8417/darts5.jpg) The rest of the evening went just as well as the Yewish began to make their way home, a few remained to continue drinking. (http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/4158/darts6.jpg) Scores of those attending: Thomas Aylmer - 7 Leander - 13 Lineus - 15 Rotip (Grd) - 26 Kado Gael - 27 Nestor (Grd) - 30 Valkur - 31 Holly Swayne (Grd) - 41 Rylan Davis (Grd) - 41 Deacon Caine (Grd) - 45 Henry Lumbard (Grd) - 47 Alexander Fraser (Grd) - 51 Kelly Corvida (VTC) - 55 Bladius Dart (Grd) - 65 Leo Madsen (Grd) - 70 Sineal Walker (Grd) - 71 Title: Re: Report: Covian Fun Night - Darts tournament Post by: Raiden Morana on April 11, 2009, 08:55:12 pm S'good ter see the Yewish behavin' themselves... If a little unsettlin' at the same time. *grins*
Good work lass. One day I promise I'll set aside my bloody paperwork and attend one of yer wonderful evenin's. *signed* Raiden, Commander. |