Title: Report: Fighting for Feathers [Recruit Task] Post by: Xavier on April 11, 2009, 04:38:44 am Being a archer myself I can fully appreciate the need to keep all of the Company's archers well stocked with arrows and bolts. With this in mind I set off for the Covian mines.
Upon entering I needed to use a lantern to make my way past some dangerous flame-shooting holes in the ground. I soon made my way to a large cavern with many harpies nesting within. After dispatching them and plucking their feathers I made my way deeper into the mines, planting torches into the ground as I went, and continued to hunt down the harpies and claim their feathers and a fair share of gold as well. I quickly surpassed my goal by collecting 1300 feathers as well as having collected 4000 pieces of gold. Which I have decided to donate to the coffers. Easily making my way out of the mines I traveled to the barracks and deposited the bag holding the feathers and gold in the barrack's storage area. (http://i651.photobucket.com/albums/uu240/XavierKage/RecruitTaskFightingforFeathers.jpg) *Neatly Signed* ~Xavier Kage~ |