Title: Drill and Training! Post by: Natanael Korjaa on April 13, 2009, 08:19:23 pm This evening Tiberius had a drill and some training for many recruits in need of it.
He drilled us in varios parade orders and battle orders such as "FORM" and "SOUND OFF" and many more. It was much needed especially for me since I'm quite new to these things still. Leading: Tiberius Kane - Veteran Mercenary Attending: Natanael Korjaa - Recruit "Nate" Thomas Aylmer - Recruit Alaric Stormcrow - Recruit Valkur - Recruit Tearlach Gradh - Recruit (http://xs538.xs.to/xs538/09161/training866.jpg) - Natanael Korjaa |