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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on April 17, 2009, 10:33:11 am

Title: [COMPLETE] Command Task ~ Raven
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 17, 2009, 10:33:11 am
Greetings Skirmisher,

The Company has several outstanding commissions in Trinsic.

Duke Irvyn has asked the Company's aid in clearing the troglodyte infestation in the Painted Caves. Reports also suggest that a pack of fierce bears dwell in these caves and that they have long pestered the patrons of the Trinsic Rose tavern. So we can kill two birds with one stone.

Now we all know that the Duchy guards are, shall we say, more gentle and less rugged and battle hardened than most warriors... Alright, they are a bit soft and that is why our help has been asked. It would be good for the relations between both towns and indeed the Company and the Trinsic guard force if we invited them to 'assist'.

~ Lead a mission to clear and make safe the Painted Caves.
~ At least 3 other mercenaries must take part in this action.
~ Arrange for members of the Trinsic guards to assist if they are available.
~ Recover at least 30,000 coins from the caves.
~ Your PAY for completing this task will be 15,000 coins with the rest of the loot split between your group and the Trinsic guards.
~ Be sure to skin a bear or two when you cull their pack. I'm sure the Baron and Duke Irvyn would appreciate a new rug.
~ Post a full report including drawings below.

Commander's comments: Be sure to make sketches of ye skinning the bears. 'The Fur of the Beserk Bear' is a Huntsmaster Trophy.

Good luck Raven.


Raiden, Commander.

Title: Report - Command Task - Painted Caves
Post by: Raven on April 18, 2009, 08:33:12 pm
Lead by:

Keane Wakefield
Me'an Silen
Kardiez D'Venci

Trinsicians Present:
Stewan Seagull

Total Loot:

3,000 pay each.

Following donated to coffers: Raven, Keane Wakefield, Me'an Silen, Valkur.

18,000 to coffers.


The hunt started with a long walk to Trinsic, where I sent Me'an off t'gather any Trinsic guards that had called f'duty, and not long after her return, three purple clad citizens and guards of Trinsic came to aid our work.

We held our position near the entrance in case we had t'evacuate quickly. I sent the most experienced Scout among us, Dalamar t'lure the bear an his ugly friend t'us three times. There were times where we were almost beaten, but we always came  back strong.

The Trinsic guard Calantha, proved a great ally, and it pleases me t'see such calibre still exists within the Trinsic ranks.



Although discipline was a little slack, and some came unprepared for battle, it was overall a successful hunt, and cross-healing was maintained impeccably.


Title: Re: Command Task ~ Raven
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 20, 2009, 10:18:45 am
Damn fine work Raven!

Now to find ye somethin' else ter do.


Raiden, Commander.