Title: Command Task ~ Aliryl Post by: Raiden Morana on April 17, 2009, 11:55:20 am Greetings lass,
It appears Miss Du Bois is a little late in coughing up payment for our job in New Haven. The Havenites have had a long enough period of grace to come up with the coin and while I'm sure the matter of our payment has merely slipped Miss Du Bois' mind, I'm tasking ye with jogging her memory. I fear I may not be as diplomatic as ye if I was to see to this personally. ~ You may carry out this mission alone, or take a few of the men along for company. ~ Make contact with Miss Du Bois to arrange collection of the gold owed to the Company. ~ Gather what information you can whilst in the town. ~ Post a full report below detailing to receipt of our payment or any difficulties in collecting it. Commander's comments: The Company will not tolerate employers going back on a contract and woe betide those that do. Good luck lass. *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Command Task ~ Aliryl Post by: Aliryl on April 23, 2009, 04:51:23 pm Dear sir,
So far, despite numerous visits to New Haven, I have been unable to locate Miss Bois nor any of her usual companions. I shall continue my efforts and put out some messages where I can to try and get her attention. *signed* Aliryl |