Title: REPORT: ORC FORT Post by: airlesspenguin on April 18, 2009, 03:24:01 am --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REPORT: ORC FORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Command: Keane Wakefield, Mercenary Recruit- Reporting Present in the Company: Abigail Keres-Mercenary Recruit Thomas Aylmer-Mercenary Recruit Leander Le Blanc, Company Arcanist Total Gold Raised: 5497 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the Eve of the Sixteenth of April, I decided that since everyone was standing around bored and such, that we would put a hurt on the Orc Fort. We formed at the barracks after much delay. (http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/517/finishedpic.png) Title: Re: REPORT: ORC FORT Post by: Raven on April 18, 2009, 08:32:53 am Good show Keane!