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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Mori on April 21, 2009, 04:34:55 pm

Title: Mori goes Ettin hunt
Post by: Mori on April 21, 2009, 04:34:55 pm
Leading: Tsukiyomi Mori
Attending: Marcus Kobra

So I have joined the mercenaries, what I should do now? Those are things what I wondered, after all I’m so marvelous fighter that no other has been seen on the soil of Sossaria. After little talking with gorilla, I decided I would start do some tasks and this Vial Ettins task hit the spot. So I quickly rallied my troops. Marcus Kobra, a marvelous soldier but rather slow. Then I had miss Sparrow, she wasn’t really helpful as it seems she’s pregnant, at least we got to that conclusion with Marcus.

Pictures showing our joyrneys events.

We headed to Despise as there is healthy Ettin population. It was clear from the first encounter that neither Marcus nor Sparrow, was ready for this fight and I should do all the work by myself. I, we, quickly took down dozens of Ettins and got our bottles. Then I had to drag both of my brave troops out from the dungeon before they got themselves killed.  At the barracks we counted what we got and I paid generous reward for both of them, even they were totally hopeless, but they needed some for coming!
28 bottles
5588 gold

Tsukiyomi Mori

Title: Re: Mori goes Ettin hunt
Post by: Raven on April 21, 2009, 04:59:44 pm

Partly based on fact.

Pretty much everything written.
