Title: [RTR] Message to all. Post by: Aliryl on April 22, 2009, 11:36:51 pm Something that is currently becomming an issue within the guild is the attitudes towards each other as players. We are all in the same guild no matter the rank oocly we should be standing together. Abusive talk to each other puts the guild at risk of losing members. BoC is currently on very good tracks and has been progressing well with the new numbers of recruits and older members returning.
It does not matter how long you have or have not been in the guild, everyone deserves the same amount of respect. More over Guild Chat and Party Chat are not tools for people to make comments about other players. Lets put an end to this rivalry that some seem to of gotten and work together as a team to enjoy our time ingame. Command does not want to have to act against individuals that are not willing to stay civil as we value all our members but it will happen if this persists. Any non constructive comments made below will be removed. Title: Re: [RTR] Message to all. Post by: Pickles on April 23, 2009, 06:02:30 am This is an important topic for all to read and understand. We don't want a tiff to sprawl up in the guild, we are all Rper's here, new or old, we all have a common goal. Have fun! If any concerns about another player comes up, please submit them to a Command member via PM or ICQ.
*BUMP* Title: Re: [RTR] Message to all. Post by: Raiden Morana on April 23, 2009, 08:13:01 am I think the message here is respect.
No-one is more important than the next member. Not the Baron, Commander nor the newest Recruit. Behind each BoC character is a real person with real feelings and everyone, whether they be a novice or veteran in terms of roleplaying experience, service to the Baronship of Cove or the UO roleplaying community deserves to be treated with the same level of respect. Guild chat and party chat are not platforms to make idle accusations or air grievances. If you have concerns, raise them via ICQ or contact a member of Command. We are all normal people trying to enjoy UO and BoC has always nurtured a friendly, helpful and fun atmosphere. We're all here to help eachother along, to have fun and to continue BoC's proud reputation as the most enjoyable roleplaying experience in UO. If anyone requires further clarification please contact me. ~ Raiden. |