Title: Theories of Magic Training [Report] Post by: Hoagie on April 24, 2009, 12:00:59 am Led by:
Elizabeth Martin, Company Arcanist Attended by: Thomas Aylmer, Mercenary Recruit Kado Gael, Mercenary Torrak Keres, Mercenary Corporal Leander Le Blanc, Company Arcanist Celuvian Haap, Company Arcanist The first training I went to resulted in me being chased around by an angry Corporal. I was beginning to lose hope, and think that all trainings here revolved around exercise and discipline, until Pickles announced that she was leading a magic oriented training - "Theories of Magic"! Great! We lined up on the barracks roof, and we were told the things that we need to perform magic effectively: ~ Spellbook ~ Strong mind ~ Controlled body ~ Firm spirit Pickles kindly handed out spellbooks to those of us who did not already have one, ensuring that Pickles started the training by explaining to everyone the fundamentals of magic! These were that: ~ Nothing can be created or destroyed ~ You must have good will in your heart to cast positive spells ~ You must have anger in your heart to cast. With these things in mind, we proceeded! We were paired up, myself with Torrak, and Leander with Kado. Noone was with Celuvian, because he left. We started off by casting magic arrows at eachother. Torrak was very good at this, because he's naturally a very angry person. When it came time to use healing spells, all he could manage was small puffs of smoke. I didn't really see how Leander and Kado were doing, because Keres was firing so many magic arrows. Apologies for the lateness of this report! (http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/5498/trainingm.png) *Signed* Thomas Aylmer, Mercenary Recruit Title: Re: Theories of Magic Training [Report] Post by: Pickles on April 24, 2009, 05:36:26 am A grand report even though it was two weeks late!
Hope you enjoyed this training! *Signed* Elizabth "Pickles" Martin Officer Cadet Title: Re: Theories of Magic Training [Report] Post by: Raiden Morana on April 24, 2009, 10:45:41 am Ahh... Some arcanist trainin' eh?
Grand... If ye like that sorta thing. Good work! *shifty eyes* *signed* Raiden, Commander. |