Title: Report:Treasure Hunt Post by: Xavier on April 28, 2009, 06:09:40 am Lead By: Mary Salle, Cartographer
Attended By: Tsukiyomi Mori, Mercenary Recruit Elizabeth Martin, Officer Cadet Xavier Kage, Mercenary Recruit (Reporting) After a training session at the barracks Mary Salle offered to take members of the Company on a treasure hunt. Tsukiyomi Mori and myself immediately jumped at the offer and we were soon joined by Pickles. We quickly made our way to the docks and Mary's ship. The sailing trip was a adventure unto itself, we fought seasickness, came upon a ghost ship and after exploring it set it ablaze. Upon reaching the our destination Mary quickly found signs of where the treasure was buried and began to dig it up...all of a sudden numerous Ogre Lords and a Lich broke from the cover of the surronding woods and began to attack us, obvioulsly they were set there by the pirate Gray to protect his treasure. It was a long, hard fought battle. Many times we regrouped at the ship and used it as a platform to hurl spells and bolts from. Tsukiyomi Mori impressed me as he fearlessly charged the Ogre Lords again and again! Pickles and Mary used their arcane powers not only to drop the monsters but to keep Mori and myself alive after taking blows from the mighty ogres! After the initial wave we made our way back to the chest and Mary began sorting through it, random beasts appeared, but by this time we were working as a well oiled machine, our cross-healing was excellent, and we easily dispatched any monsters that dared to show themselves. After hauling the loot back to the ship we set sail for Cove. Upon reaching Cove we made our way to the barracks where Mary divided the loot amongst the four of us. Kado Gael showed up around this time and was good naturedly looking for a share of the loot. Mary had some fun with him and left him holding the bag. *Sketches of the treasure hunt* (http://i651.photobucket.com/albums/uu240/XavierKage/TreasureHunt01.jpg) *Neatly Signed* ~Xavier Kage~ Title: Re: Report:Treasure Hunt Post by: Raiden Morana on April 28, 2009, 09:36:11 am Har!
More coins fer the coffers! The Baron will be pleased. *signed* Raiden, Commander. Title: Re: Report:Treasure Hunt Post by: Mori on April 28, 2009, 05:34:50 pm Wasn't it clear that I was the most heroic in the expedition? Thought Mary did marvelous job in finding the treasure.
-Tsukiyomi Mori- |