Title: A Report to the Master Post by: Delfer on April 29, 2009, 01:42:06 am I have completed your task master.. 10, 523 pieces were collected from the desert sands. I went over the dunes and fought the scorpions. Their poison is powerful master, very deadly. But I killed them and took their poison sacs for my own use. Then I took their gold. The desert also had harpies, poisonous snakes, orcs and giants. And sand vortexes, their magic is too strong for me to take them on. Another one, my sister whom you appointed helped me in the task. She was very helpful master, but the scorpions had numbers, they appeared out of the sand instantly. Very dangerous. It took a long time to do what I was asked but it is done, master. I await your next task. *Signed quickly* At your service, Althalos (OOC: Sorry there are no pictures. I just learned I can't even access my photobucket on this computer -_-) Title: Re: A Report to the Master Post by: Mordraut on May 04, 2009, 07:04:52 am The rhythmic and mechanical sound of footprints could be heard echoing down the great hall of the keep. The creature turned the corner sharply, his senses informing him about the presence of a bit of parchment on the table. The skeleton held the document in his bony hand and surveyed the written words with his hollowed out eye sockets. He stood silently for a moment on the footworn stone of the keep amongst the neat little piles of bones and dismemberment. A raspy sound emanated from the skeleton.
“Dedicated thiss one iss, nysst an entirely worthlesss meat ssack. Perhapsss usseful to the Guardian after all he will be. A ssound army we will soon have indeed.” Mordraut discarded the report and vacated the room and proceeded to the keep stores to count the resources. |