Title: Mischief Arrested, Punished Post by: Linaeus on April 29, 2009, 05:18:25 am *A set of sketches, attached to a short report, which is in turn attached to a small note (see below) is placed on the Commander's desk.*
Dear Commander, Befer yeh get awl 'motional about this, read th'report thoroughly! *Signed* Sgt. Keres (http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c190/Warbringer/KeresWhipsMischief.png) Title: Re: Mischief Arrested, Punished Post by: Raiden Morana on April 29, 2009, 12:59:23 pm *Raiden sagged back into his chair reading the report*
Ughh... Does she nay know when ter leave well alone? *groans* The Churchies have been more benevolent fer sure since Siegfried's departure. One day the trouble she makes is goin' ter outweigh her usefulness and even I wont be able ter save her. |