Title: My luck, Phuket Post by: Tiolas on December 27, 2004, 07:07:30 pm I must say that over the last day i have felt like the most lucky guy in the intire world. On the 23 of Decemlber on at 8 pm i flew out of the worlds best paradise island of phuket. When i came home i had one day of christmas before i heard the horrible news of the Tsunamis that had hit the west coast of my resort area.
THe Island of Phuket was an amazing experience as it treuly was the worlds paradise island. The resort was amazing, the people were so gentil and the natural surrounding where of unthinkable beaty. This has been the best holliday experience in my intire life (And i have had many). There was so much to do, i have visited the island of Phi Phi which had the most beatifull surroundings i had ever seen. I had a couple of Diving trips and at night went partieing on the most busy place of Phuket, Patong Beach. Patong beach is unlike any tourist village i had ever seen. This is the only place in the world where the women there exually whistle at the man. A lot of tranvestites and prostitudes sitting in the bars waving at you and asking if you wish to spend the night with them. BUt also a lot of other poeple that are just looking for a good time at the local shopes and bars. Now with the Tsunami i thank whaterver is out there for my luck that i got home one day before. My feelings and thoughts are constantly with the gentil people of Phuket and the other people that have been hit by the strongest earthquake in 40 years. Title: Re: My luck, Phuket Post by: Gregor Eason on December 27, 2004, 07:18:53 pm Blimey mate. Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound.
Title: Re: My luck, Phuket Post by: Octiovus on December 27, 2004, 11:44:19 pm Good thing you survived. Otherwise I wouldn't have 80 members! ;)
Title: Re: My luck, Phuket Post by: Gregor Eason on December 28, 2004, 01:15:58 am Pfft, Oct, really - the man could have died and you're worried about your members count. Can you say obsessed? Obsssesssssed.
Title: Re: My luck, Phuket Post by: Octiovus on December 28, 2004, 01:52:18 am It's commitment.. Not insanity I tell you..
Title: Re: My luck, Phuket Post by: Gregor Eason on December 28, 2004, 03:12:21 am The difference between insanity and commitment, is judged only by success *grin*
Title: Re: My luck, Phuket Post by: Dellamona on January 05, 2005, 09:52:32 am Wow!
i am glad you are okay friend, i havent mett you i think but im still glad you are okay!! |