Title: A Report to the Master Post by: Delfer on May 02, 2009, 03:28:38 am It is done Master.. 346 leather hides... 321 gold coins.. I went past the intersection, followed the path. There were many people there, unsuspecting. I killed them all. Good practice. Some fought back, some did not. With them were nearby livestock, cows, goats, pigs. I killed them, removed their skins.. Cows and bulls are the largest, produce the most leather. Great deer with antlers also hold a lot of hides.. Along the way there were brigands, giants. I used my poison to erode their muscles, they grew weak, easy kills.. Other than that there were few distractions, however the hides are heavy. Next time I'll bring a horse, use it to haul the leather. More productive that way. Running out of poison, need to find other ways of destroying my foes until I can replace the toxins.. *Signed scribbly* At your service, Althalos Title: Re: A Report to the Master Post by: Mordraut on May 04, 2009, 07:07:04 am *Cackles*
A fine job thisss isss, Unborn. Good work ssslaying the mortalsss vyss have done. Record your collected resssourcess I sshall. |