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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Mischief on May 02, 2009, 05:05:00 am

Title: Letter to Eve
Post by: Mischief on May 02, 2009, 05:05:00 am
*A sealed letter to Eve left for her at the Banquet Hall. The writing looks somewhat shaky but more or less legible. *

Dear Eve.

By now you’ve probably heard what’s happened to me. Although I’m a bit better, I’m still staying at the hospital for now. Physically I’m fine, a few bruises, which have now faded, and a bit of a bump on my head. Trouble is I don’t feel right within myself. The whole incident opened terrible memories that I thought I’d locked away forever. I keep having blackouts; at least I think that’s what it is, for there are large gaps over the last few days. Anyway, clearly there are some in the company who can’t be trusted but that’s what happens when coin is put before principles. I’ve tried to rally the women, and some right thinking men, against the Church and had some success. I believe it was this factor that provoked the attack on me, a cowardly one on an unarmed woman. They also went against the orders of the Commander and the Captain to leave me alone. What does that tell you of the Company’s discipline?

The church is corrupt, we know it, the Company knows it and so does the Baron. The church persecutes me because I asked the questions that embarrass them. It rules by fear and superstition and the Company goes along with it because it’s the easy option. Like lap dogs the Company does what the church wants it to do because too many who pay no more than lip service choose the easy option. Coin before principle, the actions of the cowardly. Sadly, as you know, it’s the women of the Company who are the most disappointing. Whereas the civilian women are prepared to make a stand the Company women, the ones who could really make a difference, choose to hide behind a flag of convenience.

I’m finished Eve, the events of the last few days have seen to that. I don’t think I can do what I’m good at anymore – the terrible flashbacks are driving me mad. On top of that there are the gaps where I can’t recall what I did. So I’ve come to a decision. Eve I give myself up to you freely and will stand trial. Let the hypocrites of the church and Company try and convict me and bring this all to an end. No doubt I’ll lose because the church is corrupt enough to seize any opportunity to remove a thorn from its side. And if I burn, well I won’t be the first innocent woman or man to do so in order for the church to keep its dirty, perverted secrets safe.

I’ll remain at the hospital until you come to arrest me. I ask only one thing. Please I beg of you, don’t restrain me in any way or lock me up. I give you my word as a friend that I will not make any attempt to escape while under your arrest. One last thing Eve, find Jamie for me.


Mischief *A line is drawn through it and underneath is signed the name Sonja. *

PS. Now you are one of the very trusted few that knows my name. Please keep it to yourself even when I’m gone.

PPS. A few days before the incident, I spoke Company member Pickles. When I told her that we knew a drow was involved in Railen’s abduction but didn’t know whether male or female, she gave me a name. When I tried to get more information she acted strangely and ran from the Goblin saying she didn’t want to talk about it. We need to talk to her – she clearly knows something.

[OOC. Please respect the fact that the only person who will have in game IC knowledge of the above letter will be Eve. Thanks :) ]