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Command Boards => The Twilight Legion => Topic started by: Leander on May 02, 2009, 08:51:59 pm

Title: [RTR] Twilight Legion Character Application
Post by: Leander on May 02, 2009, 08:51:59 pm
Twilight Legion Application

1. Read the Legion handbook in it's entirety at http://undeadorcs.webs.com/ (http://undeadorcs.webs.com/)

2. Character name

3. List your other BoC character(s) below

4. I am applying to be an (Choose one)

a) Orc
b) Undead
c) Other (Special requests will be held to a much higher standard and BoC command reserves the right to refuse any applicant whose character does not fit into the Twilight Legions roleplaying scheme.)

If Undead, select an aspired caste: a) Knight b) Priest c) Nightmare

5. List your character's skills below. (The use of Necromancy is restricted to rank and completion of a quest.  Should you wish your characer to have this skill you must wait until then before raising the skill from 0. Transferring from a soulstone is not allowed.)

6. Tell us about your character

I have read and understand the rules. I fully acknowledge that by completing this application that in character offices held within similar evil guilds will bestow no influence, merit, or ascribed status upon my character in the Twilight Legion.

*Once you've completed your application, send it in a private message to Leander Le Blanc on the Baronship of Cove forums.