Title: Searching the Hedge maze Post by: Tweeso Pebble on May 21, 2005, 04:28:27 pm We did gather a small company to go on a hunt. And decided Hedgemaze.To get lost or find somethin' It was not so good show up but still enough.
I led it * Junior Guardsman Valiro Gryhponclaw With a Company of: * Junior Guardsman Ryan * Recruit Becca v.Radunkel * Recruit Charon * Watchman Kal Shadowhand * Squire Mikeal [ OOC: I'm not sure if i got the names correct. If anything is wrong. Just reply] (http://img202.echo.cx/img202/3310/hunt11ov.gif) After we gathered we entered the hedge maze and started to stumble around. We did use Becca's Travel book to make it faster into the center of the maze which made it a lot more easier. In the middle we found daemons guarding a house. (http://img193.echo.cx/img193/2757/hunt71sa.gif) While we was holding the house I sent Becca for a brave task. To run and help Squire Mikeal to the center of the Hedge Maze. And she did successful. We did discover a lot. And found two buildings without anyentrances. This was indeed time to sit down and think! (http://img72.echo.cx/img72/5499/hunt101vh.gif) After long time of thinking , And walkin'. noticed that the floorboards did echo from below. Must be something under us. We did go outside to have a look and found some footprints on the ground. that was pointing into the Grass Hill. I don't know wha' I thought. Bu' I went just straight into the hill. And noticed it was an entrance! (http://img158.echo.cx/img158/4315/hunt126ol.gif) We did follow it too a first room , and then we got stucked at some jail doors. Somehow they started to move and make us a path through everything. And we followed the tunnel and came up... (http://img197.echo.cx/img197/3541/hunt174xc.gif) Through a portal that was up the stair in the Eastern buildin' we got teleported to the tower. That was north. From there we did contact Ryan to help us find the way out of the maze and he did come. (http://img164.echo.cx/img164/2866/last6xs.gif) Atleast we all found our way out of the maze and it stood clearly that we wasn't done with the place. There are several more places in the maze to discover to get knowledge. *Signed* Junior Guardsman Valiro Gryphonclaw Title: Re: Searching the Hedge maze Post by: Gregor Eason on May 21, 2005, 10:21:23 pm Well led and documented, Junior Gryphonclaw.
Commander Eason, Cove Militia & Baronship Council |