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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Aliryl on May 05, 2009, 10:55:56 pm

Title: Report for Raiden - Recent events arising.
Post by: Aliryl on May 05, 2009, 10:55:56 pm
Finding myself to be the only high ranking member about at a critical time, yet again, myself and Leander set off to Moonglow.  Nathan Hawke was holding a talk at the lycaeum about some set of events he and others have arranged to take place there.  He also mentioned about peace talks regarding Minoc, to which a volly of insults between the Yewish Guardsmen and Vesperians began.

After giving out a list of days and events which I ended up missing due to those present shouting too much, we were asked to patrol the coastline of Moonglow.  We all headed south, where Celuvian caught up with us and there we found two ships anchored from which orcs began to spew forth.  Many orc brutes along with their smaller companions began to attack all those who were present.   After we had beaten the orcs back in great numbers someone spotted something strange on the ground, a light green fibreous seed pod.  We were then called back to the Lycaeum to discuss what we had just seen, during which someone mentioned they had spotted one of the pods at Britain Moongate.  We were then transported by an apparently, non-magical gate, to the moongate where people tried to destroy the seed pod using all manner of fire and magic.  But the seed was impervious too all attempts. 

It was then decided that everyone should spread out and look for more of these seed pods.  As so few Covians were with me I suggested to Captain Dart that he and a few of his men join us and head to the orc fort in Cove.  Celuvian went on ahead and scouted out the the fort before we reached there and found a seed pod within the wooden structure.


As we could not think of any immediate action that could be taken we decided to go our seperate ways with the Yewish heading home and me leading the others back to the Barracks.   As Pickles had arrived late I informed her what had happened before dismissing everyone. 


Ever your eyes and ears..

Aliryl Trefynwyd

Title: Re: Report for Raiden - Recent events arising.
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 06, 2009, 10:59:58 am
Grand work lass... As ever.

I believe talks are planned this eve, again in Moonglow, about the situation in Minoc.

Covian voices shall be heard on this matter.

Regular patrols of the orc fort too are in order in light of yer discoveries and the orc attack on Sunday's market.

Hup to it Company!


Raiden, Commander.